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Reporting Options

Deciding to make a report is a very personal choice. There are several options for 幸存者以各种方式报告不同的过程和潜在的结果. ASAP的倡导者在这里帮助概述各种选择,以便幸存者可以 做出明智的选择并在整个报告过程中为您提供支持. ASAP advocates 随时可以陪伴幸存者到当地警察局,医院, 或机构公平与合规办公室报告. 

Law Enforcement 

幸存者可以与执法机构合作,举报性侵事件 relationship violence and stalking. 

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Medical Report

医疗报告是幸存者在事故中向医生或法医护士报告的 exam.  幸存者在进行医疗检查时可以选择是否保持匿名 report. 

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University Report

学生和员工可以向学校的机构办公室报告 Equity and Compliance. 可以选择是否采用正式或非正式的流程 is provided. 

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There are multiple options to report anonymously.

Speak with an ASAP advocate to learn your options.


Reporting with Law Enforcement

Survivors may choose to report with law enforcement. If it is an emergency you should call 911. 如果不是紧急情况,重要的是要知道你应该报告 with the law enforcement agency where the crime occurred. For example, you may live 在校园,但如果对你犯下的罪行不是校园财产,你 would not皇冠app官方版下载警局报告,但对这个地方有管辖权的执法机构 the crime occurred (e.g., Greeley PD, Fort Collins PD, Johnstown PD, etc.) 

ASAP的倡导者和UNC警察总是在这里回答问题和帮助 you get connected with the right law enforcement agency.

幸存者通常对开始这个过程感到紧张. It can be overwhelming! 任何执法调查的第一步都是一份初步报告,也就是 通常由警察在警察局,通过电话,在 ASAP办公室或其他倡导机构,或在你的住所. Survivors have the 有权选择这份报告如何被采纳以及谁和他们在一起. ASAP advocates 以社区为基础的倡导者可以为任何幸存者提供无声的支持 who wishes that have someone with them when they report. Information provided to UNC PD将与机构公平与合规办公室的工作人员共享 和学生主任办公室,以便提供支持和住宿 给你,这样机构就可以采取必要的措施来帮助保护 you and the campus community. 

在最初的报告之后,可能会有后续的对话和采取的行动 a detective to collect evidence and confirm information. This is when the perpetrator 会知道有一份报告并且很可能会被警探问话吗.  作为犯罪的报案方,你有权了解调查情况 and it's progress.  Learn more about your rights. 

幸存者还应该知道,追究刑事案件不等于起诉 attorney to filing a case. Once the investigation is complete, all the investigative 材料被移交给地方检察官,由他们决定是否 或者不起诉,被告被逮捕,案件进入 court system. 

Medical Reporting

幸存者还可以选择向法庭的法医护士或医生报告 hospital. A forensic exam has multiple goals. One is to make sure the survivor has 没有严重的伤害,需要医疗和提供预防措施 比如B计划、抗生素或PEP,以防止意外怀孕或性传播感染. The 次要目的是收集证据,记录受伤情况,并记录幸存者 statement. 在寻找法医时,幸存者有几种报告选择 考试,可能包括执法部门或幸存者保持匿名. 

Law Enforcement

幸存者可以选择在进行法医鉴定时通知执法部门 exam and a report will be taken by police. This starts the investigative process. 

Medical Reporting

幸存者可以选择向法医护士提供证词并提供 their name and information. Law enforcement is not called, however the information 是提供给执法部门的证据由当地政府保存最多两年 or campus law enforcement. 幸存者可以选择向执法部门举报 at any time. 

Anonymous Reporting

幸存者有权保持匿名,并接受法医检查. Evidence will be collected and a statement will be recorded. Law enforcement will not be called. 执法部门将把所有证据以身份证号码保存两年. 幸存者可以选择在任何时候向执法部门报告. 

法医检查有时间限制,因为证据是肯定可行的 windows. 与ASAP倡导者交谈,了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装法医检查和探索 if one is right for you.  ASAP的支持者可以通过打电话给医院来支持幸存者 通知急诊室需要待命的法医护士. This can help cut down on wait times for survivors. Advocates are also available to accompany survivors to the hospital to help them to feel more comfortable. 

Most survivors worry about cost to them for a forensic exam. The forensic exam itself is free. Any preventative medicine prescribed are free. The only cost to survivors 他们是否因为受伤而需要去看医生. There are options when it comes to using or not using insurance. Please set up an appointment with an ASAP advocate, to learn more. 

Reporting with the University

UNC社区成员可以选择报告任何形式的基于性别的暴力 通过机构公平与合规办公室(OIEC). 与向执法部门报告不同,向大学报告不会及时 a criminal investigation. OIEC可以提供支持措施,调查事件, 确定任何违反政策的情况,并提出补救建议. 

尽快倡导者可以概述皇冠app官方版下载社区可用的不同程序 成员通过机构公平与合规办公室(OIEC)并确定 the differences between the formal and informal process. 

如果双方都不是皇冠app官方版下载的学生,学生仍然有选择 to receive supportive services from OIEC. The aim is for all survivors to remain students at UNC and succeed. 但是,OIEC不能为学生提供非UNC社区成员 code of conduct or UNC policies. ASAP advocate are available to talk through what supportive measures are available to you or learn more here.